OpenAPI – это спецификация для описания REST API. Включает набор объектов JSON с определённой схемой, которая задаёт их наименование, порядок и содержимое. Описание API по спецификации может представлять собой файл JSON, чаще – YAML.
Корневые объекты OpenAPI
openapi. В объекте указываем версию OpenAPI.
info. Объект включает заголовок, описание API, версию, ссылку на лицензию, ссылку на условия обслуживания и контактную информацию.
info: title:"OpenWeatherMap API" description: "Get the current weather, daily forecast for 16 days, and a three-hour-interval forecast for 5 days for your city. Helpful stats, graphics, and this day in history charts are available for your reference. Interactive maps show precipitation, clouds, pressure, wind around your location stations. Data is available in JSON, XML, or HTML format. **Note**: This sample Swagger file covers the `current` endpoint only from the OpenWeatherMap API. <br/><br/> **Note**: All parameters are optional, but you must select at least one parameter. Calling the API by city ID (using the `id` parameter) will provide the most precise location results."
version:"2.5" termsOfService:"" contact: name:"OpenWeatherMap API" url:"" email:"" license: name:"CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0)" url:""
servers. В объекте указываем базовый URL, используемый в наших запросах API. Может быть указано несколько путей, к ним можно добавить description.
servers:- url: description: Production server- url: description: Beta server- url: description: Some other server
paths. Объект включает endpoints и разрешённые методы. Может содержать множество подобъектов, а также ответы на запросы.
paths:/weather: get: tags:- Current Weather Data summary:"Call current weather data for one location." description:"Access current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities! Current weather is frequently updated based on global models and data from more than 40,000 weather stations." operationId: CurrentWeatherData parameters:- name: q in: query description:"**City name**. *Example: London*. You can call by city name, or by city name and country code. The API responds with a list of results that match a searching word. For the query value, type the city name and optionally the country code divided by a comma; use ISO 3166 country codes." schema: type: string- name: id in: query description: "**City ID**. *Example: `2172797`*. You can call by city ID. The API responds with the exact result. The List of city IDs can be downloaded [here]( You can include multiple cities in this parameter — just separate them by commas. The limit of locations is 20. *Note: A single ID counts as a one API call. So, if you have city IDs, it's treated as 3 API calls.*"
schema: type: string... responses:200: description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: title: Sample type: object properties: placeholder: type: string description: Placeholder description404: description: Not found response content: text/plain: schema: title: Weather not found type: string example: Not found
components. Объект для хранения переиспользуемых объектов. Переиспользование осуществляется через $ref.
paths:/weather: get: tags:- Current Weather Data summary:"Call current weather data for one location" description:"Access current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities! Current weather is frequently updated based on global models and data from more than 40,000 weather stations." operationId: CurrentWeatherData parameters:- $ref:'#/components/parameters/q'- $ref:'#/components/parameters/id'- $ref:'#/components/parameters/lat'...components: parameters: q: name: q in: query description:"**City name**. *Example: London*. You can call by city name, or by city name and country code. The API responds with a list of results that match a searching word. For the query value, type the city name and optionally the country code divided by a comma; use ISO 3166 country codes." schema: type: string id: name: id in: query description: "**City ID**. *Example: `2172797`*. You can call by city ID. The API responds with the exact result. The List of city IDs can be downloaded [here]( You can include multiple cities in this parameter — just separate them by commas. The limit of locations is 20. *Note: A single ID counts as a one API call. So, if you have city IDs, it's treated as 3 API calls.*"
schema: type: string lat: name: lat in: query description:"**Latitude**. *Example: 35*. The latitude coordinate of the location of your interest. Must use with `lon`." schema: type: string
security. Объект указывает протокол безопасности или авторизации, используемый при отправке запросов.
security:- app_id: []
tags. Объект группирует endpoints в Swagger UI.
tags:- name: Current Weather Data description:"Get current weather details"
externalDocs. Объект добавляет ссылки на внешнюю документацию.